
Past Live Stream Audio 2020-2024

Live broadcast is available weekly (every Friday 7:00 PM PST). Please check the time by yourself in other parts of the world or email us if you have any questions. You may click "register" below if you would like to attend the live broadcast. Past live stream audio will periodically be posted below. Currently, live streams are conducted in Chinese. There will be translations in the future. 

每週提供現場直播(太平洋標準時間每週五晚上 7:00)。如果您有任何問題,請自行查看世界其他地區的時間或給我們發送電子郵件。如果您想參加直播,可以點擊下方的“註冊”。過去的直播音頻將定期發佈在下方。目前,直播是用中文進行的。將來會有翻譯。








Audio Block
Double-click here to upload or link to a .mp3. Learn more



Because of the large number of people who need to be served, Kopm will adopt an appointment system, which requires individual prophetic service. The ministry will be done via phone or video call (Zoom). Please click below if you wish to book a ministry session.

因需要服待的人數眾多,Kopm 將採用預約制,若有須要個人一対一的先知性服待,請填寫您的時間,同工會另行安排通知,牧師將於線上和各人交通服待。